Qui, moi?

Tijana is a twenty-something living in Melbourne, Australia. In her spare time she immensely enjoys dressing up as a Geisha. She tells people she’s above average height, but truthfully is quite short. She is horrible at basketball. Is passionate about traveling. Is frequently sarcastic (but never about her passions). Never actually understood the show ‘Passions’.  Is one of the best nappers of her generation. Enjoys talking in third person. Is a closet Spice Girls fan. Loves stationary. Sometimes worries about suffering from OCD. Is frequently told she suffers from OCD. Breakdance wannabe.

How to file complaints:
If you would like to contact Tijana, complain about her, or become a guest blogger on her page, please email her at ilovethedangerindistance@gmail.com

27 thoughts on “Qui, moi?

  1. Adorable “About” post! Am pleased your piece on India appeared on the Freshly Pressed (congrats, incidentally!), because otherwise I wouldn’t have found your great blog. If you’re ever in Paris and would like to go on a treasure hunt at the Louvre, drop me a line.
    Kind regards,

  2. Hi! I’ve really enjoyed reading your blog and look forward to new posts. I’ve nominated you for The Liebster Award, intended to recognize up-and-coming blogs, particularly those with fewer than 200 followers. Just visit my blog to view the post and nomination 🙂

  3. Pingback: We’re Grateful | Twenty Something Condition

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